Monday, August 8, 2011

the throne

So Watch Throne Dropped today for digital purchase, because I bought a ticket to the concert, I got my digital copy at midnight, BUT the fines where all corrupted & songs kept skipping (this is why I always buy the hard copy when I do in fact purchase albums) SO I took that L & bought it on iTunes (since I already had a few dollars from a gift card).
Any opinions i have on the album will be incredibly biased, I've loved Kanye West & Jay-Z for as long as I can remember, they really can do no wrong in my eyes, so of course I love this album. I loved how it started off with No Church In The Wild. Frank Ocean's vocals really enriched the song, the beat is ILL, & of course Ye' & Hov killed their verses.
I do not have a degree in Music with a concentration in Hip-Hop, SO I'm not gonna sit up here & act like I know the scientific formula to create an amazing album, but I will let you know my favorites:
No Church in the Wild: Great opening for the album.
N----s In Paris: super ILL beat, ill lyrical content to match.
New Day: really like the fact that it's their messages to their unborn sons.
Who Gon' Stop Me: I don't know why, I just really like this song.
Murder to Excellence: The black nationalist in me loves the message.

I really love the whole album, but those are my top five as of right now. I'll see if I still feel this way after the first hundreds listens.

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