Friday, August 26, 2011

sorry for the hiatus.

I just moved in at school.
I've been busy preparing & getting settled.
new posts coming soon, promise.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Final Destination 5

I was never too big of a Final Destination Fan since the first one. The first one scared the life out of me, but the following ones, not so much, but 5 takes the cake. I first thought the first 20 minutes was crazy, but the end in the end I was truly taken aback.
People may be disillusioned with this film, because they think the films are redundant, but NO, if you saw & enjoyed the first one, you will enjoy this one, I believe it's the best one yet & my friends who went with me say the same.
I don't want to give away anything, but it will make sense, just know, it will make sense.
GO SEE IT! Trust me, you won't regret it, but make sure your prepared for the gore.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Hov & Ye' look like they're having so much fun making this video. I love it, I love them. November 5th, that's it.

Monday, August 8, 2011

the mystery man


So I've been listening to The Weeknd for a while now, I love Abel Tesfaye's voice mannnn. I'm going to assume that majority of human being know who The Weeknd is now, since Drake has been talking about him heavy, but still you can't find much out about him, he's hella mysterious. Performing at OVO Fest has taken away some of the mystery, but I have been trying to find an interview of Mr. Tesfaye, so I go to youtube & google, trying to find SOMETHING... I find NOTHING, only the music & blurry black & white pictures. So today someone I follow on twitter tweeted a link that led me to this video:

which came from THIS site.
It's an older video, it's from like November 2010, but it's the closest I've come to finding an interview that has been captured on camera.
Well, with his fame rising, maybe we'll see an interview surface... or maybe he'll just remain a mystery man. Oh yeah & I'm impatiently waiting for Thursday & this rumored NYC show.

the throne

So Watch Throne Dropped today for digital purchase, because I bought a ticket to the concert, I got my digital copy at midnight, BUT the fines where all corrupted & songs kept skipping (this is why I always buy the hard copy when I do in fact purchase albums) SO I took that L & bought it on iTunes (since I already had a few dollars from a gift card).
Any opinions i have on the album will be incredibly biased, I've loved Kanye West & Jay-Z for as long as I can remember, they really can do no wrong in my eyes, so of course I love this album. I loved how it started off with No Church In The Wild. Frank Ocean's vocals really enriched the song, the beat is ILL, & of course Ye' & Hov killed their verses.
I do not have a degree in Music with a concentration in Hip-Hop, SO I'm not gonna sit up here & act like I know the scientific formula to create an amazing album, but I will let you know my favorites:
No Church in the Wild: Great opening for the album.
N----s In Paris: super ILL beat, ill lyrical content to match.
New Day: really like the fact that it's their messages to their unborn sons.
Who Gon' Stop Me: I don't know why, I just really like this song.
Murder to Excellence: The black nationalist in me loves the message.

I really love the whole album, but those are my top five as of right now. I'll see if I still feel this way after the first hundreds listens.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


I'm excited for the video, as well as whatever content he plans on dropping tonight. I love J. Cole... still impatiently waiting for September 27th...